Reasons of equipment corrosion in NMP in Lanzhou Petroleum Processing& Chemical Complex were discussed, pointing the main reason is acid constituents produced from chemical reaction of solvent. The way to solve this problem was also given. 对兰州炼化总厂NMP装置设备腐蚀的原因进行了探讨,认为溶剂化学反应产生酸性组分是其主要原因,并据此提出了对策。
Disturbance compensation problem of a three-axis stabilized momentum biased satellite is investigated. In order to improve pointing accuracy of momentum biased satellite, a compensation scheme of periodic disturbance torques is proposed for the roll/ yaw loop of momentum biased satellite based on reaction wheels. 为了提高偏置动量卫星姿态控制精度,针对三轴稳定偏置动量卫星滚动/偏航回路周期干扰力矩补偿问题,提出了一种基于反作用飞轮的滚动/偏航回路周期干扰力矩补偿方案。